Rage (A Jaden Rayne Adventure Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  “What did the nurse say?”

  “When I told her what happened, she huffed and said I must have asked for it. I told her I was afraid he might have given me a disease. She told me if I didn’t have one now, I’d probably have one soon. ‘That’s what happens to girls like you,’ she said.”

  Right about then, I need my speed bag. When someone really bothers me, I’ll go a round or two with it while imagining it’s their head. I’d like to go a round or two with that nurse’s head and another few rounds with Viper front and center. I know I shouldn’t ask, but I need to know just how far people will go to ignore what stands squarely in front of them screaming through a megaphone.

  “Did you go to the police?”

  “Police.” She barks out a nasty-sounding laugh. “They’re a fucking useless waste of time. It’s the twenty-first century, and their first question was, ‘What were you wearing?’ As for ES, the man’s like Teflon. Last year, he was charged with contributing to juvenile delinquency, but they mysteriously dropped the charges just before the trial. It’s just as well because he threatened me if I said anything about what went on at our parties.”

  I’m not sure I’m ready to hear about any parties.

  “You’ve been through a lot.” I can’t help but admire her strength. If the situation had been reversed, I wouldn’t have survived.

  “This shit goes on all the time, Jaden. Don’t you get it? It’s just the everyday ordinary abuse that happens behind your neighbors’ closed doors.” She sounds more resigned than bitter. And that’s just sad. In that split second, I vow to myself to make sure Rayne never has to suffer fear or abuse again. Savannah would have wanted that.

  The last few words are barely audible. Rayne pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose using her index finger, her characteristic gesture. When her gaze follows her hand to her lap, a large fist grabs my heart and squeezes hard. That isn’t even a tenth of what she must feel like right now, dredging up the past. Twisting my body to face her, I brush the side of her face, gently tracing the outline of her cheek. The swelling has gone down significantly, showing her high cheekbones, cute-as-a-button nose, and full lips.

  “That’s enough for today. I want to show you something.” I give her hand another squeeze, resisting the urge to kiss those full lips just begging me to suck them between my teeth. I get out of the car and walk around the front, stopping a few feet from the passenger door. I hold out my hand toward her, taking the few moments to drop my mantle of insouciance back in place. The problem is, she’s hooked me, and the barb is settling into place. In a few short days, she’s worked her way into my psyche like no one ever has. Even Savannah, and I’d been set to marry her.

  The car door opens, and Rayne takes several slow, cautious steps as if she’s afraid I’ll bite. Oh, how I’d love to bite that perfect skin. To mark her. To make her body mine. Yes, I definitely have a hard-on for this young woman. I’m going to have to fuck her to get her out of my head. She ignores my outstretched hand and walks right past me into the store.

  Dee’s General Store is a throwback to another era. Cement floors, rows of shelving, and the comforting smell of fresh-baked butter tarts. I follow slowly, wondering how to manage this situation with Rayne. I hesitate to leave her with Connor and Kate, total strangers to her, but she’ll be no use to me when I rescue Sasha. I toy around with the idea of having her wait in the car, then toss it. Rayne will never agree to that, and I won’t risk her safety.

  Rayne smiles, and it’s as if I opened the door and the sun broke through. She’s cast off her despair to embark on an animated conversation with the cashier about the different kinds of butter tarts. The change in mood makes a remarkable change to her appearance. Enough of her face shines through the bruises to show stunning, almost exotic beauty. The black streaks in her chestnut eyes sparkle with delight. She becomes the small child in the butter tart store, eager to try every delicious delight. She’ll be just as enthusiastic in bed. That thought stubbornly refuses to go back where it belongs.

  She clasps her hands chest high. “Can we get some, please? I’ll pay you back.”

  “Get as many as you like. Sasha loves them, too.”

  She frowns at the mention of Sasha. “I’ll be quick, promise.” She turns to the cashier and starts an animated debate about whether peanut butter or peanut butter chocolate chip would be the better choice.

  A tiny gasp escapes as she bends to examine the tarts in the display. My cock rockets to rock hard. The sound makes me want to hear her moan as I drive inside her. I wrap my hands around the back of my neck, wanting to howl in frustration. I’m frantic about Sasha, yet I can’t get this woman out of my head.

  If they hurt her …

  Another thought I push out of my head. I focus on Rayne, how her body moves like that of a dancer when she relaxes. How she seems to have boundless reservoirs of energy despite her injuries. How she doesn’t seem to let those injuries get in her way. Despite the frequent grimaces, she soldiers on. I should find her energy annoying—God knows I’m a taciturn guy—but she sends her energy through me like Taser rays.

  Rayne chatters about everything and nothing until we reach Cambridge. She loves the butter tarts and prattles on about them.

  ”My mom used to make them, and she let me drop the raisins in each tart shell.” At least she has one happy childhood memory.

  She loves the car and grills me on specs. By the time I pull into a Tim Hortons parking lot, I need a break. I’ve spent most of the last three years by myself or with Sasha, who is definitely not a chatterbox. Rayne’s enthusiasm adds just a bit more noise interference than I’m used to.

  “Want anything?”

  “I’ll come in with you.”

  Rayne strikes up a conversation almost instantly with some random stranger in line. In some ways she’s the most unfriendly person I’ve ever met, then she turns into a social butterfly. She’s an enigma and a woman of extremes with few in-betweens.

  I check my cell and open an urgent text from Treadmill.

  Tread d00dz: Swan sighted. Situation critical. EOM

  My heart jumps into a gallop. Although Treadmill and Joker are the best hunters I know, this is still much faster than I anticipated.

  Blade d00dz: Where?

  Treadmill d00dz: Inverhuron

  Blade d00dz: Confirm

  Joker d00dz: Inverhuron. Coordinates emailed.

  Blade d00dz: Count?

  Treadmill d00dz: Three. V + 2.

  Shit! I check the emailed coordinates confirming my worst fear. Viper is using The Manor as his hidey-hole. There was a time when The Manor was an elite and private adult entertainment club. Now, it was just a seedy sex club that supplied creatures like Viper with everything he needed to make Sasha suffer. In the soundproofed basement rooms, no one would hear her scream. He’ll kill her trying to break her. Just like he’ll do to Rayne. I try to wall off the panic surging through me.

  Someone pokes my arm, and I look up, startled. Rayne gives me an unidentifiable look.

  “What do you want? The guy’s waiting for your order.”

  “A small double-double and a honey dip.”

  “Make that two honey dips.” She looks at me pointedly before smiling back at the cashier. “Thank you so much. How kind.”

  “Come on. Let’s go.” I stride out of the coffee shop, keying a text to Connor. Rayne runs along, holding a tray out in front of her.

  “Would you slow down? I’m spilling this. For God’s sake, what the hell is the goddamned rush?”

  “Change in plans. We found Sasha.” I remote open the Chiron and slide onto the black leather seat.

  Jaden: Located Sasha. At The Manor. Meet in Kincardine in 2.

  Connor: Got it. On our way.

  I throw the cell in the cup holder, slam the car in gear, and peel out of the drive.

  “Oh good. Where? Is Summer with her?”


  “Where in Kincardine?”

  I ke
ep my eyes trained on the road. “You know Kincardine?”

  “Sure do. I love Lake Huron. Is she okay?”

  My little dragon is full of surprises.

  “Don’t know yet. They’ve got her in Inverhuron.”

  Rayne leans back and sighs. “I love Inverhuron. Spent one of the best summers of my life there. Just me, my mom, and Summer.”

  She launches into this story about how they’d rented a small cottage there—somewhere near The Manor sounds like. She reminisces about being in the middle of a campground with lots of kids to play with. “Mom was so relaxed. She even laughed sometimes. Apparently, the evil stepfather had other plans back in the city.” Eventually, she seems to run out of steam just coming up with stuff to say.

  I can’t tell her just how much she’s drawn me into her story. I’m grateful for the short break from fear. I need to shore up my strength for what lies ahead, and she’s given me that gift.

  She sighs and rolls her eyes.

  Now there’s no distraction, and I fasten my mind on the shadowy future awaiting me at The Manor. I steel myself and slide into that zone—the place where nothing matters but bringing pain to those who brought pain to my friends.



  Wake up, and know that you’ve been wrong now baby …

  This Jaden is a very weird guy. One minute he acts as if I’m the only breathing thing left in this universe, and the next he’s shut down like a guillotine. Something’s very wrong. But … I have made him smile. I have made him laugh. And regardless of what he says, I have distracted him. I might not know the right thing to say most of the time, but I have my moments. And we might have found Summer. I’m coming, baby.

  My pulse races, and I’m not sure how much is from fear or excitement … of what’s ahead or of Jaden. Both make my heart hammer in equal measure. Both make me so tense I’m not sure whether I’m going to squeal or pee myself. I have no illusions about what will happen if Viper catches me. The only reason he probably hasn’t hurt Summer is that she brings him the big bucks as a catatonic courtesan in his whore house. At least, that’s what I’m determined to believe.

  Jaden says nothing. His face has a stone-cold intensity. His gaze would tell most to keep their distance. Fuck, he’s focused. It’s like some kind of laser beam thing he does. I study his profile. My mind flits through a tangled web of thoughts.

  God, he’s gorgeous. Inappropriate. Focus. Take a lesson from him. Is Summer okay? Don’t think about that. I want to touch his hair. Oh God, I don’t want to die.

  I bite my knuckle. Shit. I can’t think about this. I squeeze my thighs together hard and try to bring order to the chaos that is my mind.

  “What’s wrong?” His voice is a razor slicing through parchment.

  I snap back to focus. I let out a long breath. “Nothing. I’m just …”

  He gives me one sharp glance. Quirks a smile. “It’ll be okay.”

  You don’t know that. But I hang on to it. I study that profile again. As if he’s the last human being I’ll ever see.

  “So, what’s the plan?

  “Not sure yet. I’ll need you to grab the floor plans for the place where they’re holding Sasha if Connor hasn’t already.”

  I can’t get a read on how he’s feeling. He’s shutting me out. “But, you must have some idea. Will we have any help?”

  Jaden shoots me a penetrating look before studying the asphalt for seismic shifts. “There is no ‘we.’ I’ll go in with my extraction team. You need to look for where they’re holding Summer.”

  I turn in my seat and stare at him. “Wait a minute. You’re not going without me.”

  Jaden taps the steering wheel. “Yes, I am.”

  I fold my arms over my chest to hold in the anger. “No, you’re not. She’s my sister, and I’m coming with you.”

  “She’s not there, and you’re a liability I can’t afford.”

  Not there? A liability? “You can’t possibly know that for sure. I’m coming.” Now it’s my turn to study the road as the car consumes the asphalt.

  Jaden heaves a huge sigh. “We’ll talk about it at the beach house.”

  No fucking way is he going to get rid of me.

  When we arrive at a huge estate outside of Kincardine, Jaden barely stops long enough to introduce me to Kat before marching down a hallway and through double doors with the guy named Connor. I take off after them.

  “Rayne, stop.” Kat’s voice rings out behind me.

  I ignore her, struggling with the handle on the huge wooden door. A huge hand grips my wrist hard. “Ouch.” I turn to look into cold steel blue eyes in a handsome, chiseled face. I shudder as I absorb the icy determination resonating from every pore. He twists my arm behind my back and propels me back down the hall. I try to shift away from him. He twists harder. He stops in front of Kat. “In the white room?”

  “Let her go, Brian. She’s our guest, not our prisoner.” Kat is all cool and classy and elegant. “She’s with Jaden.”

  Brian lets go so fast I almost fall into Kat. “Oh, that’s okay then.” He dips his chin in my direction. “Sorry. You’re free to go.” This Brian guy sounds almost reverential when he hears Jaden’s name. What the fuck?

  Kat wraps her arm around my shoulders and steers me in the opposite direction. She looks as if she could be my older sister; a much more beautiful older sister. She wears tailored capris and a sleeveless black silk blouse with black ballet flats and carries herself with the grace of Audrey Hepburn. She looks like a movie star and has the body of one, too.

  “Wait.” I shrug out of Kat’s grasp. “I need to see Jaden. Now.”

  Kat takes my shoulders and turns me to face her. Ruthlessness replaces the smile. “I’m not going to mince words here. Connor, Brian, Jaden … not one of them will allow you to go. You’d only put their lives in danger. If you want to help, stay here and run the computer searches Jay needs.”

  “I will not put them in danger. Why does—”

  Kat sighs. “If someone grabs you and holds a knife to your throat, what will you do?”

  Do? “Bite him.”

  “And he yanks your head back and slits your throat. You’re a smart woman, Rayne. You know better.” She walks away. I reluctantly follow.

  Kat takes me on a tour of the huge house, ending in my assigned bedroom. I drop my small bag and get a glimpse of ruffled curtains and antique furniture before she leads us to their computer lab.

  “I think you’ll find everything you need here,” Kat says. “But if not, just ring this.” She strides over to a thick velvet cord hanging from the drapery and pulls. I hear the faint pinging of a bell somewhere in the house.

  “That is so cool.” I join her and examine the braided cord. “How does it work?”

  Kat laughs. “You’ll have to ask Connor that. We wanted to preserve the history of this old beast without losing convenience.” She crosses to the computers. “Let’s get you set up. Jaden sounds like there’s some urgency to whatever you need to do.”

  “Yeah.” I hate moments like this. Something about her just makes me think of goodness. I have no idea how much I can tell her. “He wants me to compare some photos for a match on your security system.”

  I go ahead with a request of my own. To hell with him if he’s pissed. “Oh, and are there surveillance cameras on Sasha’s apartment?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, there are. She’s hooked in through our extensive security system. ”

  “Where’s the main server?” More than once, information proved to be a valuable ally.

  Kat hesitates a moment. “In Toronto. In the vault of our hotel. But you’ll be able to access everything you need from right here.”

  Hotel, no less. I am … and am not … impressed. Don’t get me wrong, I like nice things, but I’d rather earn them myself. I repeat my vow: I will never be under anyone’s control again.

  They’ve set me up in another rad computer lab. Not nearly as cool as Jaden’s, but I will be w
riting Summer about it. We have a secret Facebook account set up for just the two of us. We go onto it when we can to let each other know we’re doing okay. She’s probably unable to respond, but I have to try. I hold my breath, hoping against despair Summer found a way online. Even one word …

  Kat shows me how to access the database to run the facial recognition program and gives me access to the security camera footage. “How about I leave you to get things set up?”

  I can’t argue with that. I need time alone to figure out how to convince these testosterone-laden men I’m going with them. “Okay. I need an hour or so to get things set.” And then I’d set up the bank card he’d given me. I’m dying to see how much he paid me. I have a naturally suspicious nature and need to be sure he hasn’t cheated me.

  I immediately chastise myself for such an uncharitable thought. Jaden’s done nothing to make me think so badly of him. That’s because he’s a charmer. Watch yourself. BG sits on my shoulder chanting away. I ignore her and set about proving myself to Jaden. I have no idea what exactly I hope to prove, but I want to impress him. I want to get his attention. My looks might not turn heads, but I’m really smart.

  “When are the guys leaving?”

  “I’m not sure. They’ll let us know.”

  As soon as Kat leaves, I pull the debit card from my pocket and fire up one of the systems. I input the temporary password Jaden gave me and press Enter. A Summary of Accounts window fills the screen, showing a checking account with a balance of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  Good. We have money. Enough to buy our freedom. I start making my plans as I set up the photo search. I’ll figure out a way to get Summer back. I give a silent prayer, hoping I’m not dreaming, and pull out the cell Jaden gave me to text her.

  Me: It’s Rayne. OMG. You won’t believe it. I’m safe. I got a job. Will FB deets. LY xoxo

  I search Facebook for some hint, any hint, that she’s been on. Nothing. I post on her feed. I sigh heavily. It’s little more than a faint hope she’ll have access to a safe Internet connection. Where are you, Sum? Time to put those thoughts away.